Friday 5 February 2021

Tech Hiring On Rise in 2021


Tech Newsletter
February 05, 2021
Surge in Tech Hiring Expected in 2021
While the number of open tech jobs took a hit in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic, some labor economists and tech recruiters are expecting a surge in hiring in the field in 2021.

The U.S. tech industry posted the third-largest decrease in job postings among all sectors, according to ZipRecruiter data, but the COVID-19 vaccine and savings accrued by individuals and companies because of remote work could lead to robust hiring demand next year.

“We’re very bullish on hiring in 2021, particularly in tech,” said Julia Pollak, a labor economist at ZipRecruiter.

“There are lots of reasons to be very, very optimistic about what’s going to happen in tech. One is that obviously the vaccine news is the big reason—there’s sort of an end to the pandemic in sight now.”
Career Questions Every IT Professional Should Ask
Landing your next big role is important, but before you take that offer, make sure it's the right role with the right prospects for you.

The Web is full of good advice for software engineers looking for a job.

You should have great communication skills, show an ability to learn, be a good teammate, bring a strong portfolio, build business domain expertise, and exude enthusiasm. These are important, and they will help get you a job at the right company.

But how do you decide which company is the right one for you?

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